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Kelly Darnell
Kelly Darnell
0788263 TX
Judge Fite Company | 5850 Colleyville Blvd. Colleyville, Tx.76034

Kelly grew up in Southlake, Texas and graduated from Southlake Carroll, Go Dragons! She also loves college football and roots for the Arkansas Razorbacks, Woo Pig Sooie! She started her working career in early childhood education where she worked for 80-100 families. As a kid, she remembers looking at open-houses which brings back happy memories with her mom and dad. Houses have always been her happy place. She knew she needed to be a Realtor, so she took the steps to pursue this career. She could not be happier to help serve you and find your dream home. Kelly's compassion and ability to listen to her clients wants and needs will help her earn their trust, referrals, and continued business.

Sample Mortgage Rates

For 5/18/2024

30 Year Fixed
15 Year Fixed
5/6 ARM

A titre d'information générale uniquement. Les taux réels qui vous sont proposés dépendent de nombreux facteurs, notamment du prêteur, des revenus, du crédit, de l'emplacement et de la valeur de la propriété. Contactez un courtier en prêts hypothécaires pour connaître les programmes qui vous sont proposés.

Les estimations du calculateur d'hypothèque sont fournies par CENTURY 21 Real Estate LLC et sont destinées à un usage informatif uniquement. Vos paiements peuvent être supérieurs ou inférieurs et tous les prêts sont soumis à l'approbation du crédit.

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